Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I Have a Fast Mind by Kabir Hinduja

Kabir Hinduja                                                                                                 Personal Essay 6B
Have you ever wondered why you zoom through homework or why that kid in your class finishes all his class work first…? Their brain must be quite fast…right? Well, I've come to realize that I am the kind of person who has a fast mind, especially when: I have academics (the biggest test of your mind), when I am doing a project (the most fun), and of course…free time.
I am the kind of person who has a fast mind. When I do projects my mind starts thinking…fast. When I do my projects I try to apply the impossible/improbable (outside of the box).
For example, in 5th grade I had a theme project about our family lines and our past three generations lives. We could do a chart, a PPT and the most exciting--a video.
I decided to do a couple of interviews. I chose the most interesting, funny and coolest questions to ask. In fact, I was the only person in my class to do a video. The weird thing is I thought of the entire plan in a matter of seconds. Looking back on this I realize how lucky I am to have a fast mind.
I am the kind of person who has a fast mind. Whenever I have free time I am very imaginative, thinking about my day imagining the weirdest scenarios that could have taken place and keep on asking myself "what if",  "maybe", "could it be" and imagining the chances of those weird scenarios actually taking place. The best part is I can think of many scenarios because my brain processes the information really quickly.
For example, in 6th grade over half my class was absent on the same day and that led me to start thinking about the chances of every single one of my teachers being absent on the same day and in less than a minute I concluded that the chances of that taking place would be 1 in 2000 or 0.05%.
I am the kind of person who has a fast mind. When I am doing academics my brain just clicks. For example in 5th grade there wasn't a single class that went by where my math teacher didn't tell me "show the work" or "right the formula". My math teacher always thought I was lazy in my writing well…that was partly true but the main reason was as soon as I read the question my mind started working on it. I do most or all the work in my head (mentally),write down the answer and immediately move on to the next question. Looking back on this I realize now that being quite fast in the head (mentally) also has its down sides as well as its advantages.
I am the kind of person who has a fast mind and now I hope you believe me! To wrap up, I have a fast mind when I am answering questions, completing projects and when I have spare time.

I really think I am lucky to be born this way.

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