Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I Hate being Proven Wrong by Ghazal Baweja

Many people do not realize the frustration in being proven wrong.  I, on the other hand, am just the kind of person who hates being proven wrong.  Usually, I get proven wrong when I’m with my friends, while playing a board game or when I’m discussing the rules of a game,.

As I was saying above, I get proven wrong when I’m with my friends. A few months ago, Advika and I had made a bet. A bet that I wouldn’t get more than her on the Biology exam. Now, just a few weeks ago, we got our marks. I read mine and she read hers. And just as I had suspected, Advika had gotten a little bit higher than me. Then she told me that I owed her something. I said that we never had a bet on this. So, we started arguing and………….. you get the point. That is one situation in which I got proven wrong.

Sometimes, I get proven wrong while playing or learning how to play a board game. Such as the time when my first grade class was learning to play chess. I said that pawns were supposed to move sideways and forward. Then, my friend said “No, they move forward but the kill diagonally.”
So we asked the teacher and he said that she was right. After that, I ran to the girls toilet and hid in one of the stalls, sulking. (I was six years old then, don’t judge me!)

When I am discussing the rules of a game with my friends, I don’t like feeling that I am wrong! One time, my friends and I were in the playground and we decided to play freeze tag. Suddenly my friend said that she knew exactly how to play. She told us that “ If you get tagged, someone else has to crawl under your legs to free you”.  “That is wrong!” I said.
“ In freeze tag you just have to tap the person to free them”. So we a vote on which way to play and I won. We all ended up playing my way happily while my other friend( the one who I was fighting with) stormd off home.

After remembering these life stories of mine, I am realizing that I must have acted quite mean in all these situations! Nowadays, I don’t have many fights with my friends about being proven wrong. I also get proven wrong when I’m going out to a restaurant, mall, vacation to another country, watching TV or something as random as that.

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