Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I Am a very Picky Person By Aseem Singru


I have always found myself to be a picky person. I am very picky when it comes to food, mainly if there are vegetables in the dish, then theatre roles, if I don’t get an important character, and finally toilets, if I don’t approve of the condition or style of the toilet.

To start, there have been thousands of incidents when I don’t approve of the food because I have never tried it, or I don’t approve of the colour of the dish, or if there are vegetables in the dish. Here’s an example of this: My mom decided to give me a new dish for lunch which was green bell pepper and potato. I’ve always hated green vegetables the most because I think they’ll taste horrible. I wanted to eat the potato instead but my mom told me to eat the green bell pepper as well since it was more nutritious. When I eat something that I think wont taste good, I think I will puke and for that reason I feel puky when I eat that food. This same thing happened when I eat green bell pepper. My mom finished the leftovers because she didn’t want me to puke. As I say this I am realizing that thinking I was going to puke when I ate that vegetable shouldn’t have stopped me from getting the nutrition I needed.

In addition to this story here’s an experience when I was picky about a theatre role I got. I had gotten into the middle and senior school production acting group. But I immediately decided to leave acting since I had not gotten an important character. What I believed was that he audience would not remember my character. But my mom gave me some advice on why I should not leave acting. She told me that watching other kids act as well will help me learn some things from them and I would gain confidence on stage. I decided to stay and it turned out to be a good experience. What I learned from this experience is that “no role is too small’ and there is always something to learn from any experience, good or bad.

Finally, here’s a story about me being picky about the toilet in my house when I came to live in Bangalore. When I used the toilet in our house, I knew there was something wrong with the flush water: it was brown. According to my wacky imagination it was other people’s poop. Disgusted, I stopped using the bathroom in our house. When my mom noticed my new behaviour she asked me what the deal was. I told her exactly what had happened. She said the reason the flush water was brown was because sometimes mud got caught in the water while it was flowing underground and then dissolved in the water. I was pretty relieved by that fact. But I was still disgusted that the flush water was muddy. It is on very rare occasions that I don’t use the toilet when the flush water is very brown and smelly.  This experience has made me realize that holding your waste in your body just because the flush water was muddy is the worst thing to do, since it is harmful to your body.

To wrap up, my pickiness has been one of my greatest weaknesses since it has stopped me from getting good opportunities like stage opportunities and has harmed me in many ways like not eating my vegetables and not using the toilet because the water was muddy. Not being picky can change me as a person and I will get far in my life because I’ll be getting good opportunities and not reject them.

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