Wednesday, 6 January 2016

What Makes Me A Footballer by Adi Agarwal

What makes me a good football player    by Adi Agarwal 8IC

Sometimes people ask me what makes me such a good football player; what the reason is behind my passion and respect for the game and what gives me the confidence to push myself to the limits and excel. Let me walk you through some of the reasons I play football well.

Firstly, you need to know the basics properly; don’t expect to get anywhere if you have no idea what you’re doing. I can say with great confidence, that I know how to kick a ball properly. A few incidents to support my statement :

While training for an inter school tournament (School of India), I took a shot from the half line and it hit the crossbar. This is seen as a remarkable accomplishment in football, for those of you who don’t know. While playing in my community, I took a shot that had so much power that it broke the keeper’s glasses.
There are many different ways to kick a ball; knuckleball, chip, inner foot curve, outer foot curve, volley, half volley etc. When I had a training session, the coaches told me to demonstrate the different way to kick a ball in front of everyone. I was thrilled to know that they believed I had mastered the techniques.

My coach believes that I have a lot of potential, this is very key in order for you to play well. It gives you the much needed self confidence and support to push you to your boundaries. A few incidents:

While training for a tournament my coach kept telling me ways and tactics to improve my game – a sign that he believes in my abilities. At the tournament, when my team was playong against our main rivals, Greenwood High even though I missed a few chances to score goals and wasn’t playing that well, my coach didn’t substitute me off because he knew I had potential, he didn’t give up on me, which is very crucial in order to boost self confidence. If others don’t believe in you, you start second guessing yourself and mess up everything you do.
In the same match, at half time when my coach was giving the whole team a pep – talk, he called me in front of everyone and yelled at me. He even kicked me. I could see how much he wanted this. His face –red with sweat, blood, tears and whatnot. This gave me the motivation and determination to play the bst football I’ve ever played, and sure enough I scored a goal.

The mark of a great football player is making his presence felt on the pitch. All the people I play with find me intimidating and are scared of me. Whenever I play with friends in my complex, while making teams if one team picks me, the other team gets two picks. This shows how scared they are of me.
Whenever im attacking  my coach tells me play aggressively and put pressure on the opponent. This is what football players need to possess in order to succeed.

I hope reading this gave you an idea of exa

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