Wednesday, 6 January 2016

My Embarrassing Story A personal essay by: Advika Yavagal

My Embarrassing Story
A personal essay by: Advika Yavagal

        People get embarrassed, it’s a natural feeling. What people need to know about me is that I get embarrassed very easily. I get embarrassed during PTM’s, whenever my brother is around, and if I score badly on tests. This is something that I always used to deny but now I’ve come to realize. These are multiple incidents to prove how I get embarrassed easily.
        My first place where I get embarrassed easily is during PTM’s. Here is a short flashback that happened. PTM’s were tomorrow and I was begging the clock to go slower as every minute passed! PTM’s are fine; I just don’t like sitting there when my mom and the teacher are talking. In other words I get embarrassed if the teacher praises me or the opposite! My mom also asks a thousand questions if I don’t understand something. Moms do that but I prefer not being there. Moms! Especially mine since I’m new, my mom is always asking a lot of questions and bugging my friends during PTM’s. Of course my mom’s curious but I feel like I’m in the spotlight, not the kind! This is making me realize that I shouldn’t get embarrassed or care what people think! Still…. PTM’s are not the only times when I get embarrassed, my brother is a part of it too.
        My brother is really cute and I love him don’t get me wrong on that, but he’s also very annoying and embarrassing especially when my friends are around. He always wants to be the center of attention and is constantly talking, usually whatever he’s saying is embarrassing. Since he is four, people find it cute. Then there’s me who gets embarrassed because I’m the girl that yelled at her adorable brother! Now I’ve realized that he’s young and just wants to be a part of things. I should include him. That’s taken care now….. if I score bad on tests and people find out, I don’t get mad, I get embarrassed, badly!
        I love math! In U.S. I would ace all my math exams. But when it came to our history test, that was my weak spot! An incident was in U.S. when we got our history papers back, I hadn’t done terrible but I hadn’t aced it. I am naturally a competitive person so when my best friend had scored the highest I was upset when I should have been happy for her. As I am saying this I realize that my competitiveness got the best or worst of me which is why I got embarrassed!

        As you can see, I’m a human who gets embarrassed, just a little easier than most people. During PTM’s, when my brother is around, and if I score badly on tests are just three examples of when this feeling occurs. It is not something I’m proud of but hopefully can fix as a New Year’s Resolution maybe. Putting it on paper makes it easier!

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